Thursday, 21 January 2010

Fitness Testing!!

Hello there and congratulations to everyone that has signed up so far, I can't wait!

The University of Glasgow Sport & Recreation Service are giving me some training support and so the first thing is a fitness test tomorrow morning @9.30am.

It all seemed quite a good idea and now I have to say that I am a bit nervous... and that was before I was told that I had to fast from 10pm tonight!

It is going to involve a 'continual ramp test that will continue until I physically can't continue anymore'! Happy days.

At the end of it though - I will be able to compare against other runners, including top Kenyan athletes so that will give me something to aim for!

Will let you know the results - well I might but it maybe depends what they are... the things we do!


  1. Actually quite enjoyed it - in a strange sadistic sort of way. Will get my results next week and find out a bit more about what they mean. The team there are also going to give me some simple to follow nutrition advice so I will share that with you. Anything simple is fine by me.

    Went for an 8K run this morning - much better without the snow. Not as pretty but definitely easier - all we need now is the sun!


  2. Hi Pippa. I had volunteered for something similar but I think it was a different dept at Glasgow Uni. Did you get your results back? Hope training going well, especially as we have had some sunny, but cold, days! :-)

  3. Have had the results back but have to admit that I dont really understand them! Meeting the nice people from Sport & Recreation next week to see what my new training programme is going to entail. Up for the challenge... (I think)! How is your training going?
