Friday 11 March 2011

...and so it begins

Well it took me long enough but I have done has commenced!
The lovely people at Achilles Heel on Great Western Road Glasgow helped me find the perfect pair of running shoes, I've found a good training schedule, I am back at the gym and the running is going pretty well...well I'll be honest, at least it's finally going!

My pace is somewhat reduced and I can still feel the tops of my thighs creating enough friction to create a small fire but I am doing it! The weather this week has meant indoor running only unfortunately and with the forecast for the weekend pretty dire it looks like it might be the same until Monday at least! I can already feel an improvement though! I am sleeping better...for those that know me they will be astounded...who knew I could actually sleep better than I already do!?! I have more energy through the day and I literally cannot wait to get back out running once this weather gets better...but bloody hell it's hard going! I am nowhere near as fit as I need to be! I am conscious of the little time I have left to train! Even my Gatecrashers Anthems are not helping me pick up the pace! But I still have time...this has been my mantra since signing up for the race and I maintain that it is the case! Time is on my least until race day...

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