Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Face of the RaceFame!

Face of the Race Fame!

My training is going really well at the moment, I'm managing my usual 5K route comfortably and I'm trying to add a bit extra on each time I run so that I can gradually build up my distance although measuring my distance isn't my strong point, I don't really use my pedometer or chart my distance but I base it mainly on local knowledge and I know the rough distances so hopefully I'll get by on that. During my early morning runs I'm often quite taken by the view, particularly on a bright, fresh morning and sometimes I find my running can get a little side tracked when I stop to take pictures!!!

I'd really like to try the actual Women's 10K route, but as I'm not from Glasgow I don't often get the opportunity to spend time in the city however next weekend I have a hen night in Glasgow and I'm making plans to incorporate some running along the race route beforehand - I think it will be really exciting to try it out!

The Face of the Race competition has been amazing, local people who see me running my usual route each morning are coming up to me and telling me how great they think it is that I'm involved and my good friend opened her No1 magazine a few weeks back to find my face in the middle of it, she said she was really proud which was a great feeling! I've also had a lot of support from my Weight Watchers leader Patsy Freeman, I would really like to thank her for that. She announced my involvement in the race at our meeting and encouraged all the other girls who attend my meeting to get involved and run the race which was so kind, makes it all seem really special and is doing wonders for my motivation. Looking forward to the months ahead!


  1. Saw the latest photo on Facebook yesterday, looked great! Think you girls are all brave for putting yourselves out there, as you can't make any excuses for not training or dropping out :-).

    Would love to see some of your early morning pics on here, but don't know if we can upload them?

    Enjoy your hen night when it comes!

  2. Great update Angie - you sound on top form.

    So, how was the route - (and how was the hen night?)

    Pippa x
